Seattle MESA Students win in high school Apps and middle school Prosthetic Arm Competitions!
Seattle MESA Students win at State Competition!
Seattle MESA is extremely proud of the competitors that represented the center at the Washington State MESA Day on Saturday. The state competition was held at the Microsoft campus.
Mariner High School and Hazel Wolf K-8 represented in the Apps and Prosthetic Arm Competitions. Seattle MESA students did a fantastic job! All four teams have been working very hard on their projects and did their best at the competition. Kudos to their equally wonderful teachers that have been supporting them the entire time. Thank you, Beverly Ferguson and Lani de la Cruz!
The results: 1st place on High School Apps and 2nd place on Middle School Prosthetic Arm!
Hazel Wolf: Project Winter Soldier’s Prosthetic Arm Presentation Poster
Mariner High School at the Opening Reception
Mariner’s Maybach Squad wins 1st place in the Apps Challenge
Hazel Wolf’s Winter Soldier Project wins 2nd place in the Prosthetic Arm Challenge